Field Trip Journals
by Laena West

Four overlapping levels, spanning kindergarten-12th grade*
24 two-page layouts for field trips - that’s enough for two field trips a month!
Simple leading questions and doodle spaces to fill with creativity.
Five Star rating box for the student to rate each field trip.
No included instructions - there is not a wrong way to use the journal!
Creates a fun keepsake for you and your child.
Charlotte Mason, Unit Study, Classical, Unschooler, Eclectic, Secular, Religious, Traditional, or any other type of homeschooler - we all incorporate field trips! These all-inclusive journals add to each of those experiences.
A closer look at the four levels:

Check out what makes these multi level journals so popular with homeschoolers!
Adventurer Level
Approx Grade level PK-1
Skill stage: Early writing skills, Parent reads prompts
Large beginner writing guidelines
Dictation space for child to dictate to parent and for parent to write in journal.

Adventurer Level